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Virtual Search Planning Reports

Below you will find Virtual Search Plan Reports or Incident Action Plans developed and used in actual cases. In some instances names have been redacted or left blank. The reports do not note the outcome of the incident, as they have not been altered from their original form as they were sent to the Agency Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

You may also see there are some inconsistencies with the reports when comparing one to another. Over the course of time the process has matured, and elements of the actual reports have changed based upon the evolution of the process. I could easily show all of the perfect ones, but instead, I have chosen to show you examples throughout the development phase, in the hope that as you look at these, you have also seen the levels of commitment, dedication to the process, and the degree of detail provided, change for the better. Please let us know if you have any questions on these, or on the process for Virtual Search Planning

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